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 The Essentials of the Earth eBooks

About our eBooks.  Our eBooks are based on our popular Essentials of the Earth spiral bound book. We have now introduced 2 versions as explained below.EoE eBook with Testimonials.  In this version we include all the information from the spiral bound book plus Testimonials and Experiences from other folks that add a broader view of how others have used essential oils. These testimonials and experiences come from our database where we have saved the essential oils users comments that previously were on our other websites. This is a book of over 900 pages. Good news is it has lots of good information, bad news is that an eBook that large is slow and not practical for use on mobile devices and tablets. It does work well on PCs and Mac computers but we recommend the smaller EoE ebook described below for mobile devices and tablets. EoE eBook (without testimonials). In this version we have not included the testimonials. This book is then much smaller and will operate well on the mobile devices and tablets with their more limited memory and speed. Why an eBook. Some have asked why we present the testimonials in an eBook why not a printed book like the present Essentials of the Earth? The reason is that there is so much information with the testimonials the printed book would be nearly a 1000 pages. That is quite expensive as well as awkward to handle. Amazon Kindle. eBooks in general require an eBook reader on your computer, pad or phone. eBooks as well are usually “encoded” personally for you so they can only be read on your devices. Different companies such as Apple (iBook), Amazon (Kindle), Barnes & Noble (Nook) have their own unique encoding scheme and eBook readers. We initially chose to use Adobe Digital Edition (ADE) but their product had problems and support was not good. As of March 2017 we now have the ebooks on Amazon Kindle. The good news is that this is a format that is very common and well supported. It now has reading software that can be used Apple, PC and Android devices as well as the Amazon Kindle reader. The bad news it cannot be read by the other eBook readers such as iBooks, ADE or Nook.  Also now our eBooks can only be purchased on the Amazon Store so we cannot sell the products directly on EoEbooks.com. Another limitation is that Amazon does not support volume purchases which is a disadvantage to some. Instruction on how to download the Kindle reader for your devices and how to purchase the books can be found by clicking hereComments about PDF.Some folks have asked why we do not use pdf format since it is much easier to open on many devices. The reason is that pdf is a great format like Word (.doc) for fixed page documents. When you open them you see the pages exactly like they were authored. The problem is if you are on a smaller screen device like a pad or phone you may have to scroll to see various areas of the page on your screen. With the format we use the page size (and number of pages) automatically adjusts to the size of the viewing window. It also reads like a book in that the TOC has “hot links” so you can quickly go to the area of interest. You can easily thumb through the pages. And many readers allow you to highlight or make your own notes. So that is why we do not use the pdf format. Return to EoEbooks.com